
Parents withs Two Daughters

Friday, September 6, 2013

Happy Birthday My Little Zara.

Dear Baby Girl,

I used always to call you baby even you have a beautiful name Zara.

Today you are one year old. It’s hard to believe one year ago daddy and I were waiting [not so] patiently for your arrival.
However, you took your time…And then you caused me a GREAT PAIN. But I would do it 1,000 times over to relive the moment I got to meet you…It was the most unbelievable feeling when you and I finally got to look at each other. I remember mentally whispering to Allah thanks for sending me an angel.
When we brought you home from the hospital, daddy and I would playfully fight over who got to hold you. We both wanted you in our arms every second of the day and loved the feeling of your soft cheeks as we rocked you and covered you with kisses before bedtime.
You caused me troubles as I learned to nurse you. But you persisted and didn't let me give up and eventually we became a great team. I miss those days of providing your only source of nourishment. Those were our special moments together.
You and daddy also have your special moments. You are definitely a daddy’s girl and it fills me with immense joy when I see you two caught up in your own little world of giggles and snuggles.
During this year, your personality has been forming. We know of a few things so far:
  • You are very laid back and don’t let things bother you. But, when you don’t like something, you let us (and our neighbors) know.
  • You are a chatterbox and have made noise since day one. We can’t wait for the day when you start saying things other than ‘dada’ and ‘mamma’ so you can tell us what’s really on your mind.
  • You are welcoming. I’ll never forget when the Atuk who we are not always went back to Johor asked to hold you. I thought it was slightly bizarre, but you just looked into her eyes and smiled. I think you made him happy.Seriously.
  • You’re independent and easily amused. Some of your favorite “toys” are shredded paper, straws and napkins, which you could play with for hours…just be careful because you are further convincing daddy that babies don’t need toys.
Since the day we saw your little heart flutter inside me, you have brought great joy to our lives. Thank you for helping me to learn from you and deepen my love for daddy in the process.
Cheers to you, baby girl, on your first big day. May the year ahead be one filled with wonderment, learning, exploring, and having fun on this life’s amazing journey. We encourage you to find your way, but please know daddy and I will be there to catch you when you FALL.
Love you,
zara kuyush,kantik,baik n putih...

*DOB 28.06.2012*
*Zara Birthday Celebration*